Thursday, February 16, 2006


There I was, sticking two stamps on every postcard (Thanks USPS, for raising rates before getting the new stamps out - where's the sense in that?), when two senior citizens start a discussion about prescription drugs. Boy, one of these guys was a well-educated expert on the subject. I suppose you had better be at that age, but they were laughing about how some study found that 60% of doctors who write out prescriptions don't know what they are writing. Now that's as far as it went, so I didn't get the meat of that study, but there was another stat he had that also caught my attention. Something like 4800 deaths a year caused by prescribed drugs. I'm not totally against drugs, but it does seem like more money out to spent on the 'back-end' administering this stuff instead of just dumping money into the 'front-end' efforts to get into the market. Luckily, there are people like my mom who make their living making sure people aren't risking their lives with the stuff they're taking. And my massage business would definitely benefit if a few more pain killers were taken off the market, but it's just too damn easy to get the dope, isn't it?

No easy answers here; it's just about as bad as weaning people of off oil. But I thought it was funny how the two seniors ended their conversation. 'Be better off going to the horse doctor!' I should've handed them each a card, but I was too busy sticking one-cent stamps on my postcards!


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