Saturday, July 01, 2006

Core strength, Landis, Giro Femminile

I will be teaching a couple of hip flexor stretches at the velodrome next Thursday before racing starts. Hopefully, it will be easier than after the racing, as the mosquitos are taking back the night! I firmly believe that most low back pain cyclists experience is from compression of the lumbar vertebrae, usually caused by a tight iliopsoas. We just don't get the chance to extend our hips in this sport, and train all you want, if you aren't 'balancing your core muscles,' strength will suffer!

I know how Landis feels. Although when I missed a time trial start several years ago, it wasn't a flat tire, it was my mindless extended roller session that delayed my arrival to the start by two minutes. UGH So in a way, maybe I don't know how he feels, but we all like to identify with these guys, don't we?

I saw that Rochelle Gilmore came in over a minute behind the pack in stage 2 of the women's Giro today. Coverage stated she was involved in some some kind of crash. What luck. I heard about Rochelle's recent string of crashes as I worked with her during her participation in the NVGP last month; I hope I never have to race with a fractured tailbone!


At 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one cares about Rochelle Gilmore!!! She's a bratty, childish girl who always finishes bridesmaid. Why don't you focus on a good Australian cyclist like Oenone Wood or Nat Bates?!

At 5:16 AM, Blogger Tom said...

Hmmm. Where to start. Well, first of all, this is not a popularity contest. As a massage therapist, I have to work with people based on their needs for bodywork, not their palmares, nor their personality as perceived by the public. Why don't you have Oenone or Nat give me a call, and the next time they travel through Minnesota, I'll offer them my massage services. I'm sure they would be delighted to know they have intelligent fans like you on their side!


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