Monday, November 06, 2006

I'd Prefer Not To Say

With elections around the corner, and thoughts of what direction this country is headed in, I try not to turn into a grouchy old man. (I can hear Dylan singing 'I used to care, but things have changed.) That won't help anything. Neither will ranting on this obscure blog that nobody reads. My remedy is to search out things that give me hope, and they are rarely mainstream ideas. This is usually because when something promising becomes popular, it is plagued by parasites attempting to make a quick buck.

I listen to people about a variety of things. It's part of my job. I've heard mothers cry about their sons being in the middle of a war. I've heard about the stress of raising a family with an alcoholic involved. I've listened to people who don't know what their problem is, but know that something is wrong. I've seen others being drawn from one problem by another problem, thinking their situation is getting better. There are those who are in a job they no longer have passion for, or maybe never did. People who are chasing too many things at once tell me how many ailments their doctors have pinned on them. Doctors have told me they are too busy to care about pain. Perhaps they are. Perhaps they shouldn't be.

Yet I have hope.


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