Cold Fusion, Cold Case Warming Up
Being a physics phlunky, I've been watching the progress of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction research ever since the big announcement 20 years ago about the discovery of 'cold fusion.' A lot has happened, or not happened, since then. We all have a stake in finding better sources of energy, but it appears some believe they have more of a stake than others. All the usual arguments and turf wars have followed the first announcement, but a very disturbing event involving Eugene Mallove, a physicist and eloquent trumpeter of things to come through the publication Infinite Energy, occured in 2004. He was found beaten to death. It always smelled fishy, and now the case is taking on new life as the original two suspects could not be linked to the crime. A $50,000 reward is now being offered for information, and the case is being worked 'full time.' Now that smells like progress.